It makes it a lot less fun to talk with my folks
In the abstract, I would have as a deal-breaker someone who was mean to the wait-staff while we were out at a restaurant, but I've never encountered such a situation while on a date, so it's more theoretical than anything else.
I read in a magazine once that one woman's go-ahead signal was a guy who wore impeccably tailored and ironed clothes, down to his socks, because attention to detail reflected a more suitable personality for her in general. To each their own.
Look at it this way, if the woman regards it as a deal-breaker if the guy's clothes aren't impeccably tailored and pressed, it probably saves them both a lot of stress and is best for both parties involved when she decides to keep looking.
Be what you want to be, just don't be in my face.
It's amazing what happens, though, when you *quit* an addiction like smoking! I smoked for about ten years from my twenties to my thirties. Then recently, I decided to quit because I was worried about shortening my life. I went to a doctor, used a short-term medication of some sort, and now I am smoke-free.
Although I never thought of smoking as "sitting in a room wasting my life" at the time, I now think of those ten years as such a waste of money. by the end of it, I was ashamed of smoking socially; I never smoked outside the house; and I hated smoking but could not quit.
I think anything becomes problematic and a potential "deal-breaker" once it is recognized by one partner or the other as shameful. I would never date a smoker now (my husband quit years before me, but we both smoked when we started dating). I would also never date anyone with a habit or behaviors that I consider "shameful," which is quite a list of things when I think about it. Class, when it is overtly announced, as in "I'm so privileged" or "I'm so down-trodden from the trailer park," is a total deal-breaker for me. Same with race, same with sexuality.